I got a nasty virus so I can't keep this site up to date for a while. I'm at the library and when ever I'm here I'll update.

I got a nasty virus so I can't keep this site up to date for a while. I'm at the library and when ever I'm here I'll update.
A Japanese company, AM3, has developed a new kiosk that lets users download movies to their Game Boy Advance. Using their technology, which seems similar to Nintendo's Play-Yan device, consumers have been able to buy anime episodes on SmartMedia cards and play them on their GBAs via a special adaptor.Get your Pokemon episodes on the go.. The company now offers a download kiosk. Users can take their GBA Movie SmartMedia card, insert it (along with a nominal fee) into a vending machine, and download an episode of Pokemon to the card. And the video quality is a good deal better than Majesco's GBA Video product. The card can be re-written, and each kiosk contains eight different episodes.
I'm sorry to say that there is no PokéNews.
I'm sorry to say that there is no PokéNews.
Here are some Action Replay codes for Pokémon Emerald version!:
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Pokémon is on the top (again)! The top 15 games based on U.S. sales for May 2005.
Couldn't make it to E3 '05? Couldn't even make it to the London Tour of E3 '05?
I'm a new member! I'm just starting out so this will take a while!
There are no good updates today to be posted. -Sorry the JRBtEAM and the DDeoxysTeam teams.
Nows your time to chat with the ジラーチ!+ロッブ.網のログ team. On AOL® Instant Messenger (SM) click Setup. Then click add new buddy. Enter JirachiRobbLOG. You can chat with us about Pokémon on the weekend from 8 to 9 USA eastern coast time. If we are not there e-mail us at If alot of people IM us we will go in the chat room named: JirachiRob. Chat with you later! The JRBtEAM. Be part of the JRBtEAM; comment on this post and leave your e-mail address and we will get back to you.
Would you like to be part of our team? Comment on this and leave your e-mail address. We'll give you a chance and if its good you'll be a new member!
We are sorry that the J+R team hasn't been bringing you news updates; this is because there hasn't been any new PokéNews. If you have any please comment on this entry, we desperatley need some.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
Nintendo gives Japanese gamers an GameCube pack to increase sales of the upcoming Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.
Well, today revealed Usohachii's US Name, it is Bonsly:
Pokémon Diamond and Pearl to be revealed next month! (Note: Rumored)
Email Feature Coming Soon!
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today.
There is ABSOL - ute - ly no GOOD updates today. My school just had a summer bash and I won a silver iPod mini! LOL!
Here is a Pokémon XD picture from the Japanese website:
New Pokémon songs are on iTunes, check it out!
According to the ANA Planes official site, ANA will begin showing "Pikachu's Ghost Festival" on all flights beginning August 1st through August 31st of 2005. This new Pokémon mini movie will feature Pikachu, Munchlax, and many other Pokémon.
Want to be an afflite or even and admin? Nows your chance, leave comments on this UPdate!
Where are you compared to the PokemonCenter New York?
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Pokemon is so cool! Have any good information on it? Add coments to this post of your PokéNews!
Right now it's 92 degrees out! Good thing we have Costco fans!