Pokemon Diamond: Best Selling Video Game of the Year!
Wii and Nintendo DS Sales Fuel Pokemon Momentum
Grown Men and Women Rediscover the Games of their Youth
Pokémon games have always been best-sellers. But the huge popularity of the portable Nintendo DS™ and the Wii™ home video game system has put the Pokémon craze into a whole new category.
Just check out these statistics:
- According to the independent NPD Group, through July Pokémon Diamond is the best-selling video game of the year on any system, while Pokémon Pearl ranks No. 3.
- The newly released Pokémon Battle Revolution already ranks at No. 5 on the list of best-selling Wii games for the year.
- Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl for Nintendo DS have sold more than 3 million copies in the United States alone.
- Pokémon games have helped boost sales of Nintendo hardware. According to the NPD Group, Wii and Nintendo DS were again the two best-selling video game systems in the United States in July.
"These hard numbers show that the Pokémon franchise and Nintendo's systems are striking a chord with players of all ages and drawing in huge numbers of new players year after year," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "But anecdotally we're also seeing that these new Pokémon games are appealing to older players, the same ones who played the original Pokémon games when they debuted in the United States almost 10 years ago."
Grown men and women with kids of their own proudly announce they are training Pokémon and having a blast doing it. Gamer site www.Penny-Arcade.com ran a four-part comic about the artist's Pokémania, while Kristin Brandt of ManicMommies.com posted: "I have become obsessed. I have played for many, many hours (I can't even admit to how many – it's embarrassing)… And I can't seem to stop! There are more Pokémon to capture, more levels to conquer and more badges to earn!"
The Pokémon franchise has sold more than 164 million games worldwide. For more information about Pokémon Battle Revolution, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, visit www.Pokemon-Games.com. Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit Wii.com.
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