ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ミュウと波導の勇者
Alternative title:
ポケットモンスター アドバンスジェネレーション ミュウと波導の勇者
Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero-Rukario
Pokémon 2005
Plot Summary: In the town of Lohta, a festival is thrown praising "Rukario the Wave Guiding Hero" who, according to the legend passed down through the town's generations, stopped a war centuries ago by using the power of "the Tree of the World's Origin." Ash and Pikachu participate in a battle to decide this year's hero and after their victory, they are chosen as the "Wave Guiding Hero." A grand dance party is held in the castle to celebrate the victor, but suddenly the phantom Pokemon Mew appears and takes Pikachu. Soon afterwards, the Wave Guiding Pokémon "Rukario" is freed from his centuries-long seal and meets Ash. Asg must solve the various mysteries of where Pikachu is, what Mew's after, what the secret of the legend of the Wave Guider is and how it ties in with Rukario's hidden past as he makes his way to "the Tree of the World's Origin" with Rukario.
Running time: 105 minutes
Premiere date:
2005-07-16 (Japan)
Opening Theme:
"Battle Frontier" by Yaa Aki
Ending Theme:
"Song of Origin" by PuffyAmiYumi
Official website:
Pokemon 2005
Links: Anime News Network
Trivia: Nothing
In the news: 1 time
2005-05-24 - It was announced in Japan Puffy AmiYumi will provide the theme song, Hajimari no Uta (Song of Origin), for the 8th Pokemon movie, Mew and the Wave-Guiding Hero-Rukario.The movie will be released in Japan on July 16th, and the CD single will go on sale July 13th.

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