Saturday, June 24, 2006

Goodbye, nobody cares!

Well if you go and check KidsWB's schedule, you'll find that Pokémon is now missing..the Final episode of Pokemon on KidsWB - Click for summary and screen shots
Today marks the ending of the Pokemon 8th series, Advanced Battle, with episode #420: A Hurdle for Squirtle (2nd Part), and it's airing on it's longtime home, KidsWB. (Note added at 6/12/2006 15:00: This is the 2nd to last episode in the PAB arc and it is yet unknown if the last episode dubbed by 4Kids, Hand-to-Hand Fighting Dojo! Ash VS May (Japanese title), will air on KidsWB or not.. stay tuned..)

As posted earlier, Cartoon Network now has exclusive rights to air the Pokémon series and is currently showing Pokémon Chronicles, a side-story based on popular characters from the main series and various reruns of past seasons. CN plans to air season 9 starting this fall at a to be detemined time and date.

While it's sad to see our beloved show leave KidsWB (as well as get an all new voice cast), it does open new doors for it's growth and popularity.. or it should anyway. Here's to moving on.

Look for more information on the scheduling of the 9th season, Pokémon Battle Frontier, in the upcoming months.



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