Tuesday, June 13, 2006

New コロコロ Scans

This weeks CoroCoro Magazine from Japan has included more new info and images from Pokemon Diamond and Pearl as well as scans from the upcoming Movie 9 Manga series. (Click on the image below for full sized images) Find the Manga scans on http://pocketmonsters.net/node/3353

CoroCoro Scan CoroCoro Scan
CoroCoro Scan CoroCoro Scan
CoroCoro Scan

New information we've learned from these pages include:
  • Day/Night Returns: Enhanced from Gold/Silver to have multiple times of day. 深夜(Nighttime), 夜(Night), 夕方 (Evening), 昼(Noon), 朝(Morning)
  • The new region for Pearl/Diamond シンオウ (Shinou) is based on the Japanese island, 北海道 (Hokkaido)
  • A new Pokemon Professor will be in the game. His name is: ナナカマド (Nanakamado)
  • Manaphy can learn the new move, ハートスワップ Heart Swap, This attack swaps status effects between all Pokémon on the field.
  • Abilities for these Pokémon are also noted:
    • Buizeru knows Agility
    • Lucario knows Metal Claw
    • Buizeru's Ability is Swift Swim
    • Lucario's Ability is Inner Focus
    • Manafi has a new ability called Moist Body. This ability cures any status effect when it's Raining.
  • A new watch gadget called a ポケッチ (Pokétchi), not only tells the time, but has other features as well.
  • ブイゼル (Buoysel, Buizeru) is #056 in the Shinou Pokédex!
  • The Pokémon Sprites vary between Male & Female Pokémon. Different patterns are on the different genders as well as bigger or smaller features or even missing features.
  • The new Shinou region Pokedex has 2 screens similar to the Nintendo DS.
  • The Pokédex now features a weight comparison feature.



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