nXt Episodes

Yeah, No PokéNews, everyone is tired and I'll do the nXt Episodes by Tuesday at the latest.
Nintendo and Pokemon USA has just releasesd an ALL NEW logo for the upcoming Pokemon Ranger game for Nintendo DS. Ranger is set for release on 10/30/06 while the Dungeon series will be at your fav game store on 9/18/2006.
The Pokémon franchise will be holding its 10th Anniversary Party at Bryant Park in New York City, NY on Aug. 8, 2006, but a lovely PokePR gal was kind enough to tell us that the Hulkster, Hulk Hogan, would be hosting the festivities. ARE YOU READY FOR THAT BROTHER!?
Come on in to your local Wal-Mart store between 10 a.m. and noon on Saturday, August 26th, to celebrate the launch of the exclusive Pokémon Trading Card Game EX Crystal Guardians “Earth Shower” theme deck!
Anyways, there is a new Music CD from the Pokémon Movie in Jap. It will be on sale for approx. 2,400 yen. The US ammount is 20 dollars. So if you're one of those people who like to order things from JP. (I wish I could =<), then here is your chance to get the new music from PKMN Movie 9! Get your copy today!
Wow, a news surge! I've been busy all day on the nice vacation lately, but now there is a bunch of news, anyway, there is a better picture of that unknown Pokémon:
I;m on vacation in Maine and there is internet, but it is unreliable. See you soon! And by the way, No PokéNews!
Another new Diamond & Pearl Pokémon has been released, although not officially. One of the anonymous Japanese image boards had an image posted from the Diamond and Pearl demo currently making the rounds in Japan.
The September 2006 issue of Nintendo Power Magazine will have a section on Mysterious Dungeon and feature a bonus special, a 6-part Comic series of it as well..
Pokémon USA has revealed some new information at Comic-Con today and the initial reports are sounding promising for those who disliked the voice acting in Mastermind of Mirage Pokémon.
Well at PokéJungle, a special event in Japan, the previously mentioned evolution of Roselia was revealed. Thanks to Filb for the heads up. This Pokémon is called Rozureido. We'll hopefully get a better picture soon:
Well the official site has again revealed more stuff. However none of this is completely set in stone:
It appears Pokémon Diamond and Pearl will get new starter types: Fighting / Psychic / Dark.
Healthy sales news for Nintendo, as the Lite and original DS in the US together sold over 590,000 units in June.
Anita Frazier of NPD Group, a market research firm providing news and information on consumer trends, sales and marketing information for a diverse range of industries, says, “More hardware is in consumers hands which bodes well for future software sales, and the availability of a wide variety of content - like the non-traditional games Brain Age and Brain Academy from Nintendo - spurs new consumers to try gaming, and hopefully stick with it.”
"And the DS is certainly rockin' - really, there was such positive news all around it was nice to see. It's not like some months where one title steals all the thunder, or one hardware device gets all the sales. It was so generally healthy and positive I think that bodes very well for the future."
The next Pokemon anime series, which apparently will feature the female protagonist from the games, was also announced. Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl (ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール) will start broadcasting this fall on the TV Tokyo network.
hanks to a heads up from our affiliate PokeBeach, we found a possible new (Electrobuzz?) evolution on the Yahoo Japan Pokemon web site.
From PPN:
After working most of the afternoon and this evening we have most of the latest Diamond and Pearl updates uploaded.
Updated are the 4th gen Pokemon, the characters, all new screenshots, better new pokemon images, and more.. We have also picked up some new IN GAME video clips showing when you meet up with your rival and some battle / attack selection action. They're pretty cool so check them out here.
Look for info on more new pokemon, other exciting features found in Diamond and Pearl, and more. All coming soon, so check back often.
I went to Journey Across America today. Here are pictures now, I'll write starting at 10 tonight.
Members of Japan's Pokemon Daisuke Club ("I Love Pokemon Club") have a shot at bagging this specially made Pikachu Lite.
The August CoroCoro has revealed the new Pocket Monsters Diamond and Pearl box art. Introduced are two new Pokemon, パルキア (Parukia) and ディアルガ (Diaruga).