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Summer Vacation Is Over. (No PokéNews)
First off, there will be a Mew give away held at Toy R Us's all across America. Here is your chance to add Mew to your Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red, or Leaf Green games. You will be required to bring your own Gameboy Advance with you in order to get Mew. There will be two types of Mew as well. One that focus's on Special attack and one that focus's on regular attacks. You can catch your own Mew on September 30th, 2006.
The Pokemon Diamond & Pearl anime series has just opened the official site, which has no updates currently, but I'm sure there will be some of course. You can find it here.
This is all for now. I will keep updating when new news comes along!
You all know I hate posting stuff we aren't sure of, but a new screenshot has cropped up which features what looks to be an evolved form of Naetoru. Being a picture of the screen taken from a digital camera, it would be difficult but not impossible to fake, but I'm still not 100% sure on this so don't take it as a real Pokémon yet. It looks to be a Pokémon along Naetoru's evolution chain called Aobasu. It's name meaning Fresh Leaves & Nest. We are currently checking whether it is real or not. Watch this space:
* The Bird Pokémon has now been revealed to be #010 in the Shinou Dex, #396 in the National Dex. It's call Mukkuru and is the Gray Starling Pokémon and is Normal/Flying Type. We are not 100% sure on the authenticity of this yet but several seperate screenshots have come through. We're classing it as legitimate for the time being, as it seems to have come from an updated PokéJungle demo. We'll keep you aprised
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名前 | ナエトル | ヒコザル | ポッチャマ |
Trademark | Naetle | Hikozaru | Pochama |
Exact | Naetoru | Hikozaru | Potchama |
Type | Grass | Fire | Water |
分類 | わかばポケモン | こざるポケモン | ペンギンポケモン |
Species | YoungLeaf | SmallMonkey | Penguin |
特性 | しんりょく | もうか | げきりゅう |
Ability | Overgrow | Blaze | Torrent |
頭にある苗のような部分は、 | 岩山で生活するといわれている。 | 産毛で寒さを知らず。 | |
進化するとどうなる!? | 断崖絶壁もなんのその! | 外見とは裏腹にプライドが高いらしいぞ! | |
What will happen to the part of its | It is said to live in rocky mountains. | It does not know cold, with its downy feathers. | |
head that looks like a sprout when it evolves!? | Precipitious cliffs, what's that! | Contrary to its outward appearance, it seems to be very proud! |
It was previously announced that around 90% of all Pokémon will evolve in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl — some old Pokémon gain new forms: the previously announced Rozureido* and the hitherto unnamed evolved form of Electabuzz:
Image | ![]() | ![]() |
名前 | ロズレイド | エレキブル |
Exact | Rozureido | Erekiburu |
Evolves from | Roselia | Electabuzz |
Type | Grass / Poison | Electric |
分類 | ブーケポケモン | らいでんポケモン |
Species | Bouquet | Lightning |
特性 | しぜんかいふく・どくのトゲ | でんきエンジン |
Ability | Natural Cure / Poison Point | Electric Engine |
Electric Engine is the signature ability of Erekiburu*.
It is as yet unknown what conditions have to be met before evolution occurs.
Note: The trademark registration for these Pokémon have not been made public, or do not exist.
As with all the Pokémon games, the distribution and encounter rates of Pokémon differ between Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
名前 | ウソハチ | マネネ |
Trademark | Usohachi | Manene |
English name | Bonsly | Mime Jr. |
Evolves into | Sudowoodo | Mr. Mime |
Type | Rock | Psychic |
分類 | ぼんさいポケモン | マイムポケモン |
Species | Bonsai | Mime |
特性 | がんじょう・いしあたま | ぼうおん・フィルター |
Ability | Sturdy / Rock Head | Soundproof / Filter |
Appears mainly in Pearl | Appears mainly in Diamond |
As previously reported, the battle system in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl undergoes some dramatic changes. First, all damaging moves are categorised as one of Physical (ぶつり) or Special (とくしゅ) individually, instead of by type. Consequently, Dorapion will be able to take advantage of its high Attack stat even with this moveset:
In the previous battle systems, the first three of the above moves would be categorised as Special, however, in Diamond and Pearl, these are instead Physical moves.
The next generation of the Pokémon Contests introduced in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire is the Pokémon Super Contest (ポケモンスーパーコンテスト). A new feature allows the player to change into a tuxedo or dress before going on stage. Up to four people can participate in Super Contests, which have three stages:
No PokéNews. Officialy dead today in Steve Jobs's eyes: The Power PC.
Well more info has come from CoroCoro focusing on the WiFi features. Thanks to Coronis for assistance on translation:
Well CoroCoro has revealed a boat load of new information including the starters as we described the other day:
First off is the pretty much confirmed stuff is that we have three new Pokémon names from some official merchandise being released in Japan later this year. These names are Naetoru, Hikozaru & Bocchama. Now these names are speculated to be for the starters with Naetoru meaning Sprout Beetle and Hikozaru meaning Fire Child Ape. However this association is yet to be confirmed. If it is confirmed it puts to question the previously revealed information from the official site regarding the starter triangle.