Pokémon Silver Experience
Today, as of this moment there is No PokéNews but I wanted to leave you with this:
Yesterday I ofinally found one of my old GameBoy Colors and Pokémon Silver Version. When I started it up this morning I noticed the "CONTINUE" option wasn't there. So, I started a new game and saved and everything after talking to Prof. Elm, and when I started up my game again, the "CONTINUE" option wasn't there!
Did you know that this is a known problem, if you go to Wikipedia.org and go to their Pokémon silver Version article, 3.1 is the battery failure section. I guarntee you if you get your Silver Cartridge right now and start it up in a GameBoy Color, there is a 80% chance it is DEAD!
That's what happend to mine, it is very common after having your cartridge for six years.

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