Cup Game.

When you go to Toys R Us on September 29th to receive Manaphy, it will be available via wireless download (Mystery Gift).
Unlike the Mew giveaway last year, which had HUGE lines at some Toys R Us stores due to the manual trading people had to do with employees, obtaining Manaphy should not be too time-consuming or difficult, since everyone can download Manaphy at the same time (there may not even be any lines!).
Although I am not completely sure, downloading Manaphy from a wireless signal at Toys R Us could either allow you to only download one Manaphy or download a few. When downloading surfing Pikachu from Pokemon Battle Revolution, you can only download it once per Diamond and Pearl cartridge per the account you are using in Pokemon Battle Revolution. However, if you try Mystery Gift on another account in PBR to get Pikachu, it will allow you to receive the Mystery Gift again, but only a few times more (through the method of using different accounts). Thus, if the Toys R Us wireless signal is the same throughout the event, you will most likely only be allowed to download one Manaphy per cartridge, but if it alternates, you may be able to download more than one Manaphy. Guess we will have to wait and find out what their plan is!
From Sunday, August 26th to Thursday, August 30th, GAMEFREAK employees Ken Sugimori (artist), Junichi Masuda (director), and Shigeki Morimoto (battle director) will be trading their Japanese Psyduck for your American Ponyta. However, they will only be trading 30 Psyduck each, and thus, chances of making a trade with one of them is very low.
If you want to try anyway, deposit your Ponyta into the Global Trade Station (GTS) during the period of time mentioned above, and request for a Psyduck (with no preference for gender or level). If you are lucky, you may receive a Psyduck from one of them in exchange for your Ponyta, and Psyduck's PokeDex entry will be completely in Japanese text! To check if you receive one of their Psyduck, Ken Sugimori's trainer ID is 38793, Junichi Masuda's is 05458, and Shigeki Morimoto's is 53473.
Pokémon USA will launch a back-to-school promotion with Armour-Eckrich's LunchMakers that will put characters from the latest Pokémon Diamond and Pearl games on 30 million packages of the portable, refrigerated meals. The 13 varieties (six fun kits and seven "smalls") hit store shelves later this month and run through November.
If Super Smash Brothers Brawl wasn't awesome before, this has to take the cake - could this game honestly be anymore detailed or jam-packed? Masahiro Sakurai just updated the Super Smash Brothers Brawl website with two Pokemon updates, highlighting the new "Pokemon Trainer" character, who is an actual playable character in the game. However, since we all know Pokemon players do not actually participate in Pokemon battles in the games (as in, physically fighting alongside their Pokemon), the same will apply for this character in SSBB - he will use either Squirtle, Ivysaur, or Charizard to battle in the rounds against other Nintendo characters, as he sits in the background (lazy human). The trainer can change between the three Pokemon by using the Down + B Special, causing the Pokemon to rotate in this order: Squirtle, Ivysaur, and then Charizard, which all have their own movesets that can be used against other characters. The three Pokemon share the same damage meter as well, so switching out does not remove damage when playing during a round. The Pokemon also have a special stat called "stamina," which has negative effects (currently unknown) if the trainer keeps them in battle too long or they are switched out too frequently (a Pokemon trainer needs to know when to switch our their Pokemon, so this stat will keep the Pokemon trainer experience in-check). Pictures of the above descriptions can be seen below (click for larger images).
The sequels to the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, Time Expedition and Darkness Expedition, now have a commercial running in Japan to advertise their September 13th launch. Click the play button below to watch the commercial. In case you do not know about the two games, allow me to quote our May 13th news story: "The two games will be different from the previous Mystery Dungeon series in that the player must join a guild to train and become more powerful, with the guild leader being Wigglytuff, and its right-hand Pokemon being Chatot. This time around, however, the purpose of the games will be to explore and find treasure, rather than to rescue, as with the previous Mystery Dungeon games. The player will also be able to choose their character from either Munchlax, Pikachu, Piplup, Chimchar, Turtwig, as well as 11 other Pokemon not yet known."
On September 9th in Japan, as part of Pokemon Sunday, a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon special will air. Unlike the previous Mystery Dungeon special, which aired in America before Japan, this one will air in Japan first and will feature both Chimchar and Piplup as the main characters. You can view picture previews of the special below (click for a larger image).
Today, I finally got a DS Lite, it is white. I don't have a special case for it yet so I was going to put my PokéPark DS Back in the box or something, then use that Dash Case.
This morning, a little after 11 am, I beat the Elite 4 and the Champion! All thanks to Rapidash, Staraptor, Rentoraa (My Japanese Luxray), Roserade, Empoleon, and Dialga!
I mean, really, talk about slow news! In the summer there is no Pokémon News at all as compared to the winter. Although, it could be because new games were coming out, nut new Pokémon games come out every fall and holiday season, you just don't hear about them in the summer. Pokémon should release their games in May too, like Pokémon Emerald, so you have something to do in the summer, instead of trying to get a black trainer card. Anyways, if JRB is still kicking next summer, I might close it from July 5 to September 5, the slow news season. Also, if I do that you'll have more times to do other things on the computer instead of checking here for rare updates.
Pokemon USA, Inc., a worldwide leader in trading card games, today announced the U.S. release of the Pokemon Trading Figure Game (TFG), slated to hit stores on September 19, 2007. This marks the latest milestone in the Pokemon collectible gaming evolution since the release of the phenomenally successful Pokemon Trading Card Game in Japan in 1996.
The first set of figures released will include more than 40 popular Pokemon characters and Trainer figures; select booster sets will include Pokemon from the recent Pokemon Trading Card Game: Diamond & Pearl release.
Gameplay includes a dynamic spinning mechanism for each Pokemon that lets players send their figures into battle against one another in an entirely new way. By mixing and matching figures, players can expand their battle choices right from the beginning, encouraging a similar sport and strategy as practiced in the world-renowned Pokemon Trading Card Game. The TFG is easy to learn and play, and is appropriate for players age eight and older."Pokemon fans reacted with great enthusiasm to early previews in the U.S.," said Tsunekaz Ishihara, president and CEO, The Pokemon Company, and co-creator of both the TFG and the original Pokemon Trading Card Game. "The high quality of the figures, the collectible nature of the game, and the exciting mechanism for battle were all very popular with players of all ages. We feel we have created a truly distinctive game that will carry on Pokemon's tradition of excellence."
The two Pokemon TFG starter sets include basic rules that will have fans playing in minutes: a two-player arena playmat, Trainer cards, and four different dynamic figures, including a Trainer figure. Boosters will expand gameplay and add new figures and Trainer cards to players' collections. The starter sets will be priced at $14.99 and the boosters at $3.49 for one figure, $6.99 for two figures (including a random mystery figure) and a Trainer card, and $9.99 for three figures, including a random mystery figure and one of three special promo figures (Chimchar, Piplup, or Turtwig) from the Diamond & Pearl release as well as a Trainer card. Future expansions-with additional popular Pokemon to increase the possibilities for battles-are under development.
Figures were sculpted with care by Kaiyodo Co., Ltd., of Osaka, Japan, which has been a manufacturer of original, limited-edition assembly-type plastic models for more than 40 years. In addition to the upcoming Pokemon TFG, Kaiyodo produces a wide variety of other popular model lines for enthusiasts all over the world.
For more information and updates on the Pokemon TFG, fans can visit
About Pokemon USA, Inc.
Pokemon USA, Inc., a subsidiary of The Pokemon Company in Japan, manages the property outside of Asia which includes licensing, marketing, the Pokemon Trading Card Game, the Pokemon Trading Figure Game, an animated TV series, home entertainment, the official Pokemon website, and online retail center
Celebrating its 10th worldwide anniversary in 2006, Pokemon was launched in Japan in 1996 for play on Nintendo's Game Boy(R) and has since evolved into a global cultural phenomenon. Pokemon was introduced in North America in September 1998 and today is one of the most popular toy and entertainment properties in the world. For more information, visit