Watch Mystery Dungeon 2!

de PokéBeach

The official Diamond and Pearl GTS website is now online and running! The website shows details of trades going on around the world (although they are probably not in real time), including which Pokemon are traded the most, what their individual attacks are, and all sorts of statistics concerning different countries and the most popular Pokemon traded in those countries. You can also bookmark your favorite Pokemon and countries for easier access to statistics on them.
The website, however, only seems useful for satisfying curiosity about trades going on around the world, since no actual interaction can take place between your DS and the website (it is only for viewing statistics on trades, and nothing else). Since you can see the attacks of Pokemon being traded, I guess the website could be used to extrapolate what types of strategies people are using for certain Pokemon, but other than that, it is just for fun it seems. Still quite an interesting website, though!
Wii and Nintendo DS Sales Fuel Pokemon Momentum
Grown Men and Women Rediscover the Games of their Youth
Pokémon games have always been best-sellers. But the huge popularity of the portable Nintendo DS™ and the Wii™ home video game system has put the Pokémon craze into a whole new category.
Just check out these statistics:
- According to the independent NPD Group, through July Pokémon Diamond is the best-selling video game of the year on any system, while Pokémon Pearl ranks No. 3.
- The newly released Pokémon Battle Revolution already ranks at No. 5 on the list of best-selling Wii games for the year.
- Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl for Nintendo DS have sold more than 3 million copies in the United States alone.
- Pokémon games have helped boost sales of Nintendo hardware. According to the NPD Group, Wii and Nintendo DS were again the two best-selling video game systems in the United States in July.
"These hard numbers show that the Pokémon franchise and Nintendo's systems are striking a chord with players of all ages and drawing in huge numbers of new players year after year," says George Harrison, Nintendo of America's senior vice president of marketing and corporate communications. "But anecdotally we're also seeing that these new Pokémon games are appealing to older players, the same ones who played the original Pokémon games when they debuted in the United States almost 10 years ago."
Grown men and women with kids of their own proudly announce they are training Pokémon and having a blast doing it. Gamer site ran a four-part comic about the artist's Pokémania, while Kristin Brandt of posted: "I have become obsessed. I have played for many, many hours (I can't even admit to how many – it's embarrassing)… And I can't seem to stop! There are more Pokémon to capture, more levels to conquer and more badges to earn!"
The Pokémon franchise has sold more than 164 million games worldwide. For more information about Pokémon Battle Revolution, Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl, visit Remember that Wii features parental controls that let adults manage the content their children can access. For more information about this and other Wii features, visit
The official Pokemon GTS website will be launched this month on September 15th. The website will contain various GTS information such as most popular traded Pokemon and most popular Pokemon in a certain country. You can bookmark a Pokemon and see what's available and from where. You can also bookmark a country to see what Pokemon trades are going in and going out.
The Pokemon GTS website will be at (Again, site will be launched on September 15th, so it's not working yet)
Pokemon Stadium 2
Pokemon Stadium 2 is a new stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl. Pokemon Stadium 2's terrain will transform into four different types: Electric, Ground, Flying, and Ice. Pokemon will also appear in the background (as you can clearly see in the Ground transformation picture, Dugtrio and Cubone can be seen in the background). [Read More Here: Pokemon Stadium 2]
Also, check out the song for the stage here: Pokemon: Pokemon Stadium/Evolution
Charizard Can Glide
Pokemon Trainer's Charizard will be able to glide in the air with its wings, as well as other characters with wings such as Pit and Meta Knight. [Read More Here: Gliding]
Pokemon Special Moves
Here's some pictures showing the special moves for the Pokemon Trainer's Pokemon. The moves showcased include Squirtle's Waterfall and Withdraw, Bulbasaur's Bullet Seed and Vine Whip, and Charizard's Flamethrower and Rock Smash. [Read More Here: Pokemon Special Moves]
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Commercials
Here's some new commercials of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2:
- Commercial #1:
- Commercial #2:
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2: Video
Also, here's a 2 minute and 13 seconds long video of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2:
- Video:
For many Pokemon fans this article will seem a bit out of touch with the Pokemon community and Pokemon fans in general but it does have some information about Pokemon USA's marketing strategy and goals for the Pokemon franchise.
Remember Squirtle and Jigglypuff? They’re Back
By WILL WADE -- Published: August 27, 2007
Playground fads come and go, as those who have found themselves with neglected collections of Beanie Babies can attest.
Pokemon video game characters on display at a shop in Tokyo. The company says that it has learned to be more selective about licensing its name.
But the Pokemon franchise, which enjoyed a long run of popularity in the late 1990s, is a rare example of a craze that has come back, for reasons that have as much to do with corporate maneuvers as they do with the tastes of the average 7-year-old.
Pokemon, which stands for “pocket monsters,” consists of a set of whimsical characters with supernatural powers who appear on trading cards, in video games and in television cartoons. And while most parents thought they had seen the last of Pikachu, Squirtle and Jigglypuff years ago, these days children are trading the cards on the playground again, playing Pokemon on their Game Boys and tuning in to a new animated series.
“We’re on fire,” said Holly Rawlinson, vice president of licensing and entertainment for Pokemon USA, a subsidiary of the Pokemon Company joint venture created by Nintendo and two other companies. Pokemon USA is responsible for managing the Pokemon name everywhere but in Asia.
Pokemon began in Japan in 1996 and reached the United States two years later. By 1999, it had become such a cornerstone of pop culture that the characters were featured on the covers of Time, The New Yorker and TV Guide; in 2001 the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade added a Pikachu balloon.
But the attention led to overexposure. “One of the things about brands that enjoy enormous popularity is that they tend to also crash,” Ms. Rawlinson said.
Although the games and cards have always sold consistently to their core audience of boys, starting in about 2003 sales of licensed merchandise came to a standstill. “There was very little, if any, product on the shelves,” Ms. Rawlinson said. “It was a very tired time for us.”
So at the beginning of 2006, Pokemon USA set out to revive the brand. The coordinated effort was timed to culminate with big product introductions that began this spring.
First, Pokemon USA took control over important components of the franchise that had been managed elsewhere, including the trading cards that had been distributed by a division of Nintendo, and the cartoons, which had been handled by 4Kids Entertainment.
In April, Nintendo of America released two games for the hand-held Nintendo DS game system, Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl. In June, the Cartoon Network began the 10th season of the franchise’s cartoon series, this one called “Pokemon Diamond and Pearl.”
Also in June, Pokemon USA’s trading card unit began shipping a new series of cards featuring the 104 characters created for the Diamond and Pearl introduction (like Piplup, Chimchar and Turtwig) as well as many of the old characters.
It was the first time that new games, a new television season, and a fresh batch of cards were introduced in this country at roughly the same time, Ms. Rawlinson said. “All the elements support each other,” she said. “The kids play the Diamond and Pearl games and watch the new shows, and they immediately want to get the new cards.”
Another element of the revival has been a change in toy vendors, from Hasbro to Jakks Pacific, which introduced a new product line. Jeremy Padawer, Jakks’s vice president for brand marketing, said Hasbro had focused on a few main Pokemon characters, but his company is shipping toys that use more than 100 of the 500 characters.
The new merchandise was showcased this summer at the Toys “R” Us store in Times Square, which opened a temporary Pokemon boutique. Next month, Toys “R” Us plans to open Pokemon boutiques in its 585 other domestic stores, said Ronald D. Boire, the president of Toys “R” Us.
Sales of the trading cards this year have already exceeded sales for all of 2006, and by the end of the year are expected to triple last year’s total, according to Pokemon USA. The June 4 debut episode of “Pokemon Diamond and Pearl” on the Cartoon Network was the top-rated show that day for boys ages 6 to 11.
Total merchandise sales this year are expected to exceed $50 million, compared with less than $4 million last year, Ms. Rawlinson said.
After the overexposure issues of recent years, the company has learned to be more selective about licensing its name. “We get requests for all kinds of products, but now we turn a lot down,” Ms. Rawlinson said. Would-be Pokemon products that ended up on the reject list include diapers and gerbil cages.
In some ways, Nintendo’s success with Pokemon games is similar to that of its Wii gaming console. Breaking with the traditional strategy of aiming a console at gamers, Wii has become a best seller by aiming at people who did not play games, thus serving to expand the overall market.
The Diamond and Pearl games on Nintendo’s DS system, which let players compete against one another over the Internet, have done the same, according to Wilbert Rivera, a sales associate at a Manhattan GameStop store. Being able to battle against people all over the world “adds more challenge to the games, more depth,” he said.
The games are selling both to young fans and older, more experienced gamers. “Who’s buying it? Everybody,” Mr. Rivera said.
Here are some screenshots of the new anime episode of the second Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games: Time Exploration Team and Darkness Exploration Team. The episode will air in Japan on September 9, 2007 (no date for the US).
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Time Exploration Team and Darkness Exploration Team for the DS will be released in Japan on September 13, 2007. There is currently no US release date available.
Pokemon Summer Day Camp
The Pokemon Summer Day Camp event in the UK was held this month. The event was held throughout the month of August at 20 different Toys "R" Us stores. At the event fans coud play Pokemon Battle Revolution on the Wii, play Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, learn to trade and battle with trainers around the world, a free Mew download, a free Pokemon goodie bag, and face painting. Fans that dress up as a Pokemon character will also have a chance to win prizes. One first place winner is awarded per event and will get a Nintendo DS, a Cartoon Network Goodie Bag, and Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, and two runners up get a Cartoon Network Racing game for the DS.
Pokemon Costumes
The Pokemon Summer Day Camp mini site has some pictures of the winners in the Pokemon costume contest. Looking through them all (only update to the 12th at this point) my favorite is the Regirock costume, the Groudon costume, and the Piplup costume. All three of those costumes came in first at their respective events (no surprise there).
You can view the rest of the costumes at the Pokemon Summer Day Camp mini site: Pokemon Summer Day Camp
Wow! Can you believe this? This post, that you are reading right now is JRB's 1,000th post! How I discovered this is, I was going to post on Poket Pikachu Log and I noticed on my Dashboard, the post count for JRB, which was 999. So I thought, wow, I have to celebrate. So all I did was this enjoy.
I forgot to tell you, but Pokémon is new and on now for an hour!