Nintendo DS Connection Tour
Australia will be celebrating the release of Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl with the Nintendo DS Connection Tour '07. The event will begin on June 30 and will travel across Australia at 8 different locations through July 21.
Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl will be released in Australia on June 21, 2007.
As a member, if you sign up to receive SMS messages from Nintendo you will receive an SMS invitation and an exclusive Pokémon Diamond & Pearl gift at the Tour.
Pokémon Battle Challenge
Are you ready for the new Challenges in Pokémon Diamond and Pokémon Pearl? Test your skills against other Trainers in our video game challenges! The Pokémon Battle Challenge will see Trainers battle it out 1-on-1 using their own Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl game. Register early on tour days as places are limited.
Pokémon Battle Challenge Rules
In order to qualify for the Pokémon Battle Challenge you must bring your copy of either Pokémon Diamond or Pokémon Pearl. Your game must fulfill the following criteria:
- Game must be saved at a PokéCentre of any Town
- Must have at least 3 Pokémon in your team
- Pokémon within saved team cannot be greater than Level 50
- No more than one of the same Pokémon is allowed on a team
- No profanities allowed as names, if any offensive words are found on your game you may be disqualified
The battle will take place in Single Battle, Standard Cup. Standard Cup rules apply. No Special Pokémon allowed. Special Pokémon include: Celebi, Deoxys, Diagla, Groudon, Jirachi, Kyogre, Ho-Oh, Lugia, Manaphy, Mewtwo, Mew, Palkia and Rayquaza. Each battle will go for a maximum of 10 minutes. If your game does not adhere to the above criteria, you unfortunately may forfeit your place in the Battle.
More Fun
Each event will become a Pokémon fan's paradise with interactive game play stations showing off the brand new games, as well as other brand new Nintendo DS games. Plus there will be a Pokémon Trading Card Game play area, and a special Touch Generations area - for everyone to enjoy. Brush up on your Pokémon knowledge, as Pokémon Trivia will be happening during the Events. There will be heaps of giveaways as well! Don't forget to bring your Nintendo DS and multiplayer Nintendo DS games (such as Animal Crossing, Nintendogs, Diddy Kong Racing DS) to play multiplayer games with other fans.

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